

Answering this question will not win you a million in any currency. However, this is the first of a series of questions I imagined which I think would be appropriate to be the last question (for 1,000,000...whatever the currency) in the "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" format, very popular across the globe. Read the question carefully and try to answer in the comments. To avoid spoilers, the comments will not be published for 48 hours or until 10 answers have been received I know I can't check, but please try to answer off the top of your head :) Which country's national anthem refers, IN ITS TITLE to the nation's official status of neutrality?" Costa Rica Sweden Turkmenistan Ghana


Hello and welcome to Virtual Quiz Central! This blog is meant to be a go-to place for quiz addicts,fans of existing TV and radio quizzes, trivia fans or people who simply want to learn more. However, this is also my space, I am your host and your question setter and that means, there will be no questions from areas like pop culture, earth sciences and some others where I don't feel competent enough.But the questions that will be posted are going to be on the "high brow" side. There will be no material prizes, at least for the time being, but there will be shout-outs. I am starting this blog at a time when most of the planet earth is in a lockdown: I may or may not continue this project when the crisis is over. The purpose is primarily to have some fun together and maybe learn something new. I will start with individual quiz questions and later on post full quizzes/sets of questions. The format of some of the questions is inspired by some existing TV/radio quiz formats. O